I identify as trans—is this program for me?

While I believe in a radically welcoming and inclusive community, this particular platform is for cisgender women (regardless of sexual orientation). This is a particular social location for cisgender Black women who have experienced childhood sexual abuse and/or male sexual violence. Stay tuned for more inclusive programming!

i/we are non-religious. will you still work with ME/US?

Absolutely! I am aware that there are a range of spiritual of beliefs (and non-beliefs!) in the world. What matters is the moral arc of justice. As long as our core values of radical truth-telling, justice, and liberation are aligned, I would be happy to partner with you!


i want to work with you, but i'm not ready for my story to be made public…is that ok?

Of course! I am committed to walking alongside survivors who may or may not be ready, willing, and able to share their stories. All things will unfold in your time and in due season. Let's commit to doing the hard work TOGETHER.