COSMOPOLITAN Magazine, March 2019
Second Annual Black Women’s March
June 9, 2018 - Sacramento, CA
Hundreds marched over a mile from Crocker Park to the state capitol, to honor, to praise, and to bring attention to black women. Take a listen as Lyvonne speaks about her work and passion for Black girls and women!
the compass with leah walsh.
Poet, preacher, and educator Lyvonne "Proverbs" Picou shares her experiences with the dark side, honesty, entrepreneurship, the importance of self-care, and her organization Beautiful Scars which "promotes healthy and safe conversations around religion, sex, and Blackness in order to, ultimately, address the silence in the Black Church on sexual abuse."
in times like these with dr. stephanie varnon-hughes.
When was the last time you heard a preacher—or any religious or ethical leader—talk about sex, bodies, or male sexual violence from the pulpit? And yet—if you look around your congregation, so many of us have been affected by male sexual violence, gender-based violence, and sexual trauma. If we are the Body of Christ, why do we shy away from actually talking about…bodies? Lyvonne “Proverbs” Picou is a preacher, speaker, poet, educator, creative social entrepreneur, and an Emmy-award-winning media producer. Through her organization, beautiful scars, the Reverend Picou promotes healthy and safe conversations around religion, sex, and Blackness in order to, ultimately, address the silence in the Black Church on sexual abuse.
Coffepot Fellowship with Jay McNeal.
Lyvonne was kind and courageous enough to be our first podcast guest to be interviewed in front of a live audience inside of the Clergypreneurs private Facebook group. It was awesome for me, as the host, to be able to share – in real time – the conversation as it unfolded and receive live responses with Facebook Live. Faith leaders are welcome to join at Members of Clergypreneurs Congregate get to give feedback and ask questions for future interviews in the extended, full interview inside the group.
queervotion with rae ingram
Minister Lyvonne "Proverbs" Picou is a Preacher, poet, educator and a creative social entrepreneur and is out here making moves for black women like never before! We are discussing Minister Lyvonne's favorite Bible verse, Proverbs 17:17. We cut all the way up in this episode, so get ready! Y'all Enjoy!